Devlog #4 / Week 4 ~ A New Game

Date: 20.05.2020 - 27.05.2020

Intro ~ A different kind of Game

With the feedback from last week about making the cooking mechanic the main element of the game as it's what appealed to people the most; I had to pretty much start from scratch as I had been so focused on getting a grid based combat system and a food inventory working.

I started this week with thinking about a way where I could get to keep at least some of the mechanics that I had already build. And so I started with brainstorming a concept where there is a grid based square where the player has to get their ingredients from; I've been calling it a slot machine even though it's not a slot machine at all. The idea is that 9 randomly generated ingredients spawn and the player has to choose one of the bottom three. The twist is that the enemy also chooses ingredients from this grid and thus anything you don't pick they will. I really liked this idea as it involves taking risk and really planning for what ingredients you want.

And with this rough plan I started to build a new prototype!

I already had a system that could spawn ingredients in the grid and thus I started the prototype with adding gravity to the ingredients and so when they spawn everything just falls into place. I've actually fallen in love with how this works; it's so satisfying!

Next I made so both the player and enemy pick up ingredients in turns and add them to their pot. You can cycle between the three meals you're making so you can choose exactly what ingredient gets added to which meal.

And just like that the week was already over ;-; Too much to do, Too little time

Get Train Snacks ~ Prototype

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